Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On Page Factors That Help Improve Website Rankings

Planning, building, and implementing a successful SEO campaign for your website is definitely something that’s easier said than done. However, it becomes infinitely easier when you take a few basics into consideration first.
One of the most important factors to consider is the individual strength of each of your web pages. On site factors that positively or negatively affect SEO for a given page actually cover a lot more ground than simple keyword richness. It’s not just what keywords you use, but also how you use them! Let’s take a closer look at some of the factors that affect your site’s overall search engine rankings.

URLs Are Incredibly Important

One of the most important things to consider when building a particular website page is the URL. This is the case whether you’re talking about a standalone page or a page that has a shelf life – like one dedicated to a news story. URLs should be concise, but also carefully chosen in regards to keywords. This is especially the case with pages meant to serve as evergreen resource pages. Always take keywords and keyword phrasing into consideration when building web pages and structuring URLs.
On Page Factors That Help Improve Website Rankings

Image Tags

Search engines absolutely love images when it comes to dubbing a particular website relevant or not. Plus, they’re great for your site’s SEO plan at large, since just as many people search Google and related search engines for images as they do information. Name your images with SEO in mind. Also choose alt tags and captions with care. Everything counts when it comes to whether or not the search engines deem your site relevant and this includes the details attached to your images.

Keyword Structure Within Written Content

Building keyword rich content that will not only impress your visitors, but register positively with the search engines is getting more complicated as the years roll by. Once upon a time, you could simply repeat keywords to your heart’s content (also known as keyword stuffing) without consequences. However, these days, it’s not just the keywords you use, but how you use them. Ideally, your targeted keyword should appear in the page title, as well as once in the first hundred words and once in the last hundred words. It should also be used naturally within the text in conjunction with LSI (latent search indexing) keywords as well.
Sometimes a team of seasoned experts can be of a lot of help when it comes to building a complicated SEO strategy and making sure you get the desired results. After all, it’s not just about getting the attention of the search engines. It’s also about getting to page number one!
About Author
Brain Taylor is the VP, Business Development at Forix SEO in Portland, OR. ForixSEO is one of the top SEO agencies out there today and with good reason. Their impressive record for getting first page results and achieving excellent conversion rates for their customers simply can’t be argued with, nor can their expertise or their years of proven experience.