Thursday, November 28, 2013

Benefits of using SMO in the Small Business

Social media optimization or SMO is a set of actions that refers to the involvement of users of the social media: blogs, social networks etc.  Some men do not know what the difference between SMO and SEO is. At the point of fact, it is nearly the same as SEO, the only difference is that SMO intends not for search engines, but for social networks and blogs to attract traffic to the necessary site and to build the community of common interests within social media. 

There are the main advantages to promote the site in the social networks. Some of them are:

1) High speed and simplicity - Very often we have the need to promote the site in the shortest period of time. Creating and supporting one’s own group in the social network demands the least of time than SEO

2) The fast start of advertising campaign - It is demanded to fill in the profile in the necessary social network and to make it available for browsing. Then you can advertise your profile in these social media or you can use contextual advertising, such as Google, AdWords, and Begun

3) The available target auditory - Any social network has already targeted auditory and can provide you with new visitors.  You simply need to plan correctly the advertising company and to adjust it in the right way.

4) Low cost of advertising - With a right promotion of the site in the social networks, the charge of advertising is lower, because you needn’t to buy links, as in the situation with SEO, and you shouldn’t use the contextual advertising for every query (it is enough to advance only your profile for promotion the site in the social network)

5) Viral marketing - Nowadays there is a lot of different tools to put the viral marketing into the social networks. Users can refer to these tolls such means as creation of communities, departure of personal messages to it and leaving notes on their "walls", commenting something, etc.

6) Possibilities of users informing - The social net is one of the remarkable tools to report the users about any shares of the company or operating discounts. It is possible to carry out the notification by means of a social network very simply and easily, without taking any efforts.

7) Feedback with users of your community - Through private messages, commenting the articles on "walls", carrying out the quizzes  etc. You can learn from your users of group what they are interested in, whether your action is pleasant to them and what they would like to receive in the future from your site.

Thanks to SMO, you can constantly get the traffic for your site. One should everyday to make an expose of new materials and invite the users to visit your site in the communities that are close to the subject of your site. When you begin to use SMO to promote your site, you see the result at once.

About the author: Melisa Marzett is a well-known writer. She writers papers for the custom essays writing service. She writes about various things, such as business, start up, ideas for the sites’ promotion and others. You can find more information about her at Google+.